The Jerusalem Cross - 2023-24 - The Order's Yearly Publication -
Jerusalem Cross 23/24 - [English, French,Italian, Spanish] "We bow down before your holy Cross, O Lord, and we venerate your empty and sacred tomb; because by your Death on the Altar of the Cross and Your Resurrection from the dead You have redeemed humanity."
- This Newsletter is a special issue to reporton an important moment in the life ofthe Order: the Consulta:
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is an Order of Knighthood/Chivalry open to
practicing members of the Catholic Church who are willing to support the work of the Order in the Holy Land while, at the same time, attempting to live a more Christ-like life in their daily activities. The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre was formally established as a Papal Order of Chivalry in the late 1800's.
There are over 30,000 men and women around the world who are members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.
In case you missed this request for prayers from the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem on August 15th, the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Assumption , please continue pray this prayer for Peace in the Holy Land. Editor's Nate: More than once is fine... |
August 15th, 2024 Dear brothers and sisters,
May the Lord grant you peace!
Many months have now passed since the beginning of this terrible war. The suffering caused by this conflict and the dismay at what is happening are not only unabated, but seem to be fueled again and again by hatred, resentment and contempt, which only intensify the violence and push away the possibility of finding solutions.
Indeed, it is becoming increasingly difficult to envision a conclusion to this conflict, whose impact on the lives of our people is greater and more painful than ever before. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find people and institutions with whom a dialog about the future and peaceful relations is possible. We all seem to be crushed by this present, which is characterized by so much violence and, admittedly, anger.
However, these days seem to be important to be able to turn the tide of the conflict, and among them especially August 15, which for us is the day of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven.
On this day, before or after the celebration of the Eucharist or at another suitable time, I invite everyone to a moment of intercession for peace to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I hope that the parishes, the contemplative and apostolic religious communities and even the few pilgrims who are among us will unite in the common desire for peace that we entrust to the Blessed Virgin.
After having spent so many words and after having done what we can to help and be close to everyone, especially those who are most affected, all that remains is for us to pray. In view of the many words of hatred that are all too often spoken, we would like to offer our prayer, which consists of words of reconciliation and peace.
Below you will find a prayer to Our Lady of the Assumption that you can say on the day of this Solemnity.
Let us pray that in this long night that we are living through, the intercession of the most holy Mary will open a glimpse of light for all of us and for the whole world.
Wishing you all the best in Christ,
+Pierbattista Card. Pizzaballa
′Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins
Supplication for peace to Our Lady assumed into Heaven
O most glorious Mother of God,′raised above the choirs of angels,′pray for us with Saint Michael the Archangel and with all the angelic powers of heaven and with all the saints,′to your most holy′and beloved Son, our Lord and master.
Obtain for this Holy Land,′for all His children′and for all humanity′the gift of reconciliation and peace.
May your prophecy be fulfilled:′the proud are scattered′in the imaginations of their hearts;′the mighty are overthrown from their thrones,′and finally, the humble are raised;′Let the hungry be filled with good things,′the peaceful be recognized as children of God and that the meek may receive the earth as a gift.
May Jesus Christ, your Son, grant us this,′He who exalted you today above the choirs of angels,′who crowned you with the diadem of the Kingdom, and has placed you on the throne of eternal splendour.
To Him be honour and glory forever.
- Newsletter 73 - July 2024
Archived Articles and various resources about the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and the Christians in the Holy Land |